
What is an RSS Feed?

Tired of visiting CaptureIntegration.com to see if there is new news, tips, tricks, or special promotions? We want you up-to-date, but we want it to take as little as your time as possible. That’s why we send out a newsletter every month or two (sign up for our newsletter).

But why wait for the newsletter to see whats new? By subscribing to our RSS feed you will receive updates to our news/tips in your inbox in a separate folder. It’s unobtrusive, fast, and easy.

RSS Feed in Apple Mail

1. Launch Mail

2. Select [File > Add RSS Feeds… ]

3. Specify the custom feed URL as “” and click [Add]

rss feeds

RSS Feed to Any Email Address

1. Visit http://www.feedmyinbox.com/

2. Type in captureintegration.com and your email address and submit

3. Check your email address for the confirm link
