Just a little reminder that if you are in the Florida area give Doug and I a call and we would more than happy to show you around and answer any questions that you may have. Last week before the holiday weekend we had the pleasure of having Stephen Gilbert to our offices ( GetDPI.com forum member).

Stephen and I have been speaking for many months regarding making his move into a Medium Format Digital solution for his ALPA TC. Recently he decided to take the plunge and purchase a new P25+. He shipped us his ALPA and we attached the new P25+ back onto it and made sure that it was all in calibration prior to sending it back to him. Part of this whole plan was that he was going to be coming to Florida for the Clyde Butcher Muck-About at the end of August. So I suggested he come a day earlier and spend some time with Doug and I. We would provide some advance instruction on his new P25+ system, CaptureOne software and of course take him to one of our favorite local lunch spots Big Pink .

We enjoyed spending time with Stephen and hope that he enjoyed the time he spent with us and of course the walk in the swamp .

We are looking forward to getting an update on how the rest of his trip went.

Stephen Gilbert outside our offices.