British Journal of Photography has an interesting article based on an interview with Henrik Håkonsson the CEO of Phase One. Below is an excerpt and link to the article.
Last week, Phase One announced it had acquired Expression Media, a Microsoft digital asset management application used to catalog and organise images, videos and music files. Now, in an interview with BJP Henrik O. Håkonsson, president and CEO of Phase One, says photographers and Capture One users could see benefits sooner than they think.
[Henrik:] “There are two groups of customers for this software. You have the customers who want to pick and choose. They might be using Capture One along side a management platform developed by another company. They want to choose what they like. The other group of customer want oneworkflow software. They want to be able to do both editing and management tasks in the same software, both for stills and videos.” And, Håkonsson says, Phase One has to cater to both groups.”
Read Full Article on British Journal of Photography