Update: Limited to many-core Mac Pros

The crashing and freezing problems we reported below from our testing of Capture One Pro 6.2 seem to be limited to Mac Pros with 8 or 12 cores. Phase One is aware of an issue effecting certain Mac Pro models and is working very hard to release a new version which corrects this issue. Until then we advise users with Mac Pros to continue using 6.1.1. Other users (not using Mac Pros) should feel free to update to 6.2 as the problems we reported should not effect you.

It should be noted that Phase One was extremely responsive to our emails that we were experiencing issues. They were right on top of things and very eager to help us identify the source of the issues we were having so they could be fixed ASAP.

Crashes & Freezes

At this time Capture Integration is not recommending it’s customer upgrade to Capture One 6.2. We have experienced a variety of crashing/freezing problems on three different computers along with several user calls. None of the issues we’ve experience have been dire, but crashes cost time and cause lots of stress, especially during photo shoots. It’s very possible these issues are related and limited to our specific setups (or even user error or hardware failures) so we will continue testing and if we can isolate the cause to something unusual/specific about our setups we will update this recommendation. Otherwise, please plan on skipping version 6.2 and waiting for 6.2.1. [Please note if you are reading this that the Update at the top of this page specifies that these issues are limited to Mac Pro users].

If you’ve already installed 6.2 and are experiencing problems we recommend Uninstalling Capture One 6.2 and reinstalling 6.1.1 from the Phase One Software Archive – it should take less than 10 minutes and does not affect any of your image adjustments, selects, or raw files.

Also note that we only test and comment on the Mac version of Capture One.

Our Philosophy on Capture One Updates

Capture Integration is constantly testing new releases of Capture One and has many customers who are kind enough to keep us informed about their testing. We recommend a user update software or operating-system only when:

  1. The update contains an improvement, new feature or bug fix which is relevant to the user (“if it isn’t broke – don’t fix it”)
  2. The update has been out long enough to give a sense of whether it contains any nasty bugs
  3. The user has time/desire to do a complete test of anything workflow critical (e.g. tethering, processing, retouching, printing etc)
  4. The user has a complete bootable backup of the computer