While the 80MP Leaf Aptus-II 12 began shipping in late 2010, the AFi version of the Aptus-II 12 did not begin to ship until late February/March. However, since then, shipments have arrived quickly, usually within one to two weeks of order.


We have also been able to provide good pricing on Leaf AFi cameras and lenses that we are purchasing directly from Leaf. And last week we received some accessories (prism finders, film backs, etc) ordered from DHW (formerly F&H) only 2 weeks after order placement, so fulfillment issues seem to be in good shape currently.


The AFi-II 12 shares all of the same features and functionality of the 80MP Leaf Aptus-II 12, though it has a slightly different form factor and also offers the same internal rotating sensor that the Aptus-II 12R for Hasselblad V offers.


All of the Leaf Aptus II products will soon be receiving an update with a completely overhauled GUI via firmware update. As soon as we receive this update, we’ll post details.