2:00 pm
Leica S2 & M9
3:00 pm
Capture One 5: Intro
4:00 pm
Eizo Monitors
4:30 pm
Lacie Storage
Victor Naranjo
Leica Camera USA
S2 Product Specialist
The Leica S2 is a new camera system mixing the power of medium format with the handling of a dSLR. The M9 is the world’s only full-frame digital rangefinder. Both take advantage of world-renowned Leica lenses.
Doug Peterson
Capture Integration
Head of Technical Services
Are you new to Capture One 5? A lot has changed since version 3 and 4 that it can be disorienting. Doug will step through a basic workflow and explain the step-by-step and overall philosophy of a proper Capture One workflow.
Bill Croskey
MAC Group
Technical Sales Manager
The only way to view your digital images while editing and retouching is through your monitor. Find out how an Eizo monitor shows you a truer version of your image and allows you to accurately proof both web & print usage.
Steve Hendrix
Capture Integration
Atlanta Sales Manager
Do you have WAY too many hard drives and no good plan for your storage? Are your photos backed up? Steve will talk about how you can simplify your life with LaCie storage solutions.
5:00 pm
Phase / Leaf Partnership
5:15 pm
Phase / Leaf Products
6:00 pm
Profoto Lighting
7:00 pm
Capture One 5: Advanced
Claus Pederson
Phase One US
In 2009 Phase One acquired the technology, product lines, and personnel of Leaf. Claus will discuss how both product lines will benefit and take your questions.
Murray Elliot
Phase One US
Area Sales Manager
Phase One and Leaf have a broad range of digital backs and cameras ranging from $3,900 to $45,000. Murray will talk about the current line and shed some light on where Phase One and Leaf are headed.
Bill Croskey
MAC Group
Technical Sales Manager
Widely regarded as the world’s finest lighting solution Profoto has a new more affordable line of accessories under the brand Creative Light. Bill will show both, including the $11,000 para reflector.
Doug Peterson
Capture Integration
Head of Technical Services
Think you know every trick in the Capture One book? Doug has a few aces up his sleeve. Mid-stream focus checking, custom ICC profiling, web previews with watermarking strait from C1, tweaking 100 images a minute. Come and find out what you’ve been missing.
Miami Art Space
244 NW 35th St.
Miami, FL 33127