Enjoy a FREE spare battery with the purchase of any Siros L Monolight or Kit (400L: B-31.710.07 / 800L: B-31.720.07)
- 1 x Siros 400L or Siros 800L
- 1 x battery charger
- 1 x lithium-ion battery
- 1 x padded storage bag
- Bonus item: 1 x free spare battery
When you buy a Siros L 2-Head Kit (400L: B-31.750.07 / 800L: B-31.751.07), the offer is doubled! In addition to the two free spare batteries you also receive a free Beautybox 65 collapsible beauty dish.
- 2 x Siros 400L or Siros 800L
- 2 x lithium-ion batteries
- 1 x battery charger
- 1 x umbrella silver/black 85cm (33.5 in)
- 1 x Softbox 60 x 60 (2 x 2 ft)
- 1 x speedring
- 1 x sync cable
- 1 x rolling backpack
- Bonus Items: 2 x free spare batteries
and 1x Beautybox 65 collapsible beauty dish.
Valid until May 31st, 2017
Enjoy a FREE Beautybox 65 with the purchase of any Siros Kit, a savings of over $200! The Beauty Box 65 features a soft white interior and includes a center counter reflector and front diffusion screen.
Siros Basic Kits
- 2 Siros 400 or 800 WiFi/RFS Flash Heads
- 2 Siros Umbrella Reflectors
- 2 33.5” Silver Umbrellas
- 2 Basic M Light Stands
- 1 Sync Cable
- 1 Rolling Travel Bag
Siros 400 Basic Kit: B-31.662.07
Siros 800 Basic Kit: B-31.682.07
Siros Expert Kits
- 2 Siros 400S or 800S Flash Heads
- 2 Siros Umbrella Reflectors
- 1 33.5” Silver Umbrella
- 1 Softbox 60×60 (2×2’)
- 1 Speed Ring
- 2 Basic M Light Stands
- 1 Rolling Travel Bag
Siros 400 S Expert Kit: B-31.665.07
Siros 800 S Expert Kit: B-31.685.07
Siros Pro Kits
- 3 Siros 800S Flash Heads
- 3 Siros Umbrella Reflectors
- 2 L40 Reflectors for Siros
- Softbox 60×60 (2×2’)
- Octabox 75 (2.5’ ø)
- 2 Speed Rings
- 3 Basic M Light Stands
- 1 Flash Bag 3
- 1 Accessory Bag
- Sync Cable
Siros 800 S Pro Kit: B-31.695.07
Valid until May 31st, 2017
Take advantage of one of these generous offers while they last!
For more information contact Capture Integration at 877.217.9870