Bron vs Profoto from Bron Imaging on Vimeo.

“This video examines the Broncolor Scoro and the Profoto Pro 8 Air in a shootout for accuracy of flash duration, shooting at F-16. With 1 pack and 2 heads, Julian and Amber test both broncolor and Profoto for sharpness of the image in a photo shoot utilizing a freezing motion technique with water. The broncolor Scoro clearly outscores the Profoto pack with how sharp the water is (with no streaking) and the accuracy of the color temperature.” –Bron Imaging Group


Bron Imaging Group compares the Scoro to the 8a


The video above was created by Bron Imaging to highlight the differences in capabilities of the high end packs from Broncolor and Profoto. Here at Capture Integration, we really enjoy working with Broncolor and have seen this difference ourselves.