Capture Integration is teaming with Phase One to help battle breast cancer. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Imagine life without breast cancer—where your mother, daughter, sister or friend doesn’t have to worry if she will be the one-in-eight women diagnosed with the disease. While we have made tremendous progress in the fight, people are still dying from breast cancer—and that’s unacceptable.
100% of the proceeds will be donated
to battle breast cancer
Through the month of October, Capture Integration will donate the full proceeds of the following batteries to the fight against breast cancer. If you are using Phase One backs, please read this important announcement – The Definitive Word on Phase One Batteries.
Purchase Phase One Batteries Online
Phase One Black Battery (2900mAh) – for IQ/IQ2 digital backs
Phase One Silver Battery (2600mAh) – for P and P+ backs ONLY (not to be used in IQ backs)
[prima_products_with_skus title=”Phase One Batteries” skus=”CI-Battery,30900061″ numbers=”2″ columns=”2″]
Throughout October, purchase online or over the phone to support this cause.
The National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) is a collaboration of national public service organizations, professional medical associations, and government agencies working together to promote breast cancer awareness, share information on the disease, and provide greater access to services.