Easy Gray Profiles & The Color Editor

Easy Gray Profiles & The Color Editor

Capture One Pro has a lot of advanced features which are rarely exploited by the average user. That’s one of the reasons we’ve introduced our online training series. Below is one of the topics we cover in depth in our Master’s Level class. The Often Overlooked Color Editor The Color Editor is one of the most powerful tools in Capture One. It can be used to modify skin tones, knock … Read More →

What the Font on the iPhone

What the Font is a website that lets you take a screen grab of text and identify the font used. They now have an iPhone app you can use to take a picture of a magazine, book, etc and identify the font used. If this doesn’t excite you then you are not as big a design geek as I am. http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2009/02/11/whatthefont-comes-to-iphone/

Focal Length Equivalent Calculator

Capture Integration Focal Length Calculator

A normal lens is a normal lens is a normal lens… except when it’s not. When using film, the size of the film determines what a normal, long, and wide lens are. An 80mm lens is long when using 35mm film, normal when using 120 film, and short when using 4×5 film. Using a digital back is no different. A P45+ or P25+ is roughly 3mm smaller on each side … Read More →

C1 4.6.1

Capture One 4.6.1 was released last week with improvements to processing of P65+ files.We’ve had several customers with hard-to-pin-down issues with 4.6.1 which were solved by fully uninstalling and then reinstalling 4.6. In particular several users had their processing queues freeze mid-processing.Since 4.6.1 only addresses P65+ issues we recommend customers continue to use Capture One 4.6 which can be found on the Software Archive at PhaseOne.com. 

Digital Presidential Portrait

Pete Souza, the new official presidential photographer has released the official presidential portrait of Barack Obama. EXIF data shows it is a Canon 5D II with a 105 lens. http://www.engadget.com/2009/01/14/president-obamas-official-portrait-the-first-ever-taken-with-a/

Capture One 4.6 Pro Released

The next version of Capture One 4.6 was released on Jan 5. The full release notes can be found at http://phaseone.com/Content/Downloads/CO4.aspxHere are the improvements and changes we thought were most important. This list is not comprehensive on purpose, so consult the above release notes if completeness is your goal. Performance The time it takes to generate a preview (important for fast tethered performance) has improved The responsiveness of Color Editor … Read More →

Cambo RS 1000 – A User's Report

Cambo RS 1000 – A User's Report

Moving Platforms I had a conversation with Chris Lawery while on the way home from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon recently; part of the conversation centered on my thoughts and feelings of Cambos newest technical camera, the RS 1000. I’ve recently made a move from what was my primary camera kit, Phase One AFD III and P30+ to a technical camera. I was able to test the RS … Read More →

Pentagon Uses Phase One

The Pentagon 3D aerial mapping system using a Phase One back and Contax camera body. Granted, I’m not positive the Pentagon’s use of a particular brand should be automatically considered a ringing endorsement given that they once used frozen bats as a method of bomb delivery. However, it’s still neat to see our product on a system on which I’m sure millions of dollars and hundreds of hours were spent.

10.5.6 = Faster Canon Tethering

Apple recently updated their operating system OSX to 10.5.6. This update contained a long awaited optimization of their USB drivers. Combined with the beta with Capture One 4.6 which includes many performance boosts we tested a Canon 1Ds Mark III tethered to our 8-core Mac Pro.

P65+ Test Out West

P65+ in action

***Update, late breaking news!*** Surprise I arrive in San Francisco to meet up with Jack and Guy on Tuesday morning and I get a message on my iPhone, “Surprise, Guess What? We are heading to Yosemite in the AM!, Attached are the directions and meet you at the cabin. BTW can you pick up a few items for dinner, Guy is cooking, we need some oregano, pueblano peppers and oh … Read More →