Capture Integration client and Atlanta-based sports photographer Pouya Dianat was recently featured in the New York Times. Pouya’s infrared photos of the Atlanta Braves using an infrared camera and the awesome portable broncolor move pack. Check out the full slide show at Seeing Baseball in a Different Light. Congrats Pouya!

As the Atlanta Braves’ team photographer, I have the opportunity to capture the hot Southern days at Turner Field, where getting to watch baseball every day is like a dream. To preserve that feeling, I used an infrared camera to make these dreamlike images — it’s as if someone poured cement over the game. The pictures’ starkness reminds me of the simplicity of a game in which events are unpredictable, outcomes are unbelievable, and boys grow into men right before our eyes. As autumn’s cool breezes bring the playoffs to Atlanta, it is nice to have these vestiges of summer and grasp at the last few weeks of America’s pastime. — Pouya Dianat

Pouya Dianat

© Pouya Dianat