Recently I had the opportunity to meet Ignacio Gurruchaga of District Lab / in-dependent at one of our events here in our Miami location. Ignacio is both a photographer and high-end printmaker/finisher. His lab has a large 50″ lightjet and specializes in museum quality acrylic mounting by appointment only. In the front of his lab he has a gallery space where he hold exhibits for photographers he prints for. In the back of his space is his lab. On all of the walls you will see examples of work he has produced and also a collection of prints that were generated by old negatives of various formats and glass plates. Most of these were images of Cuba from many years ago. It was like walking through a museum.
One project that caught my attention was one that he did for Art Basel this year . He took a 360 degree pano of where his is lab located to capture all of what goes on around it. He has a few neighboring business (an auto body shop and concrete plant to name afew) and a homeless man. This one particular pano (as pictured) is comprised of 26-P45 files stitched together. Once this file was created he printed out 26 – 50″x120″ panels and placed them in the interior of his exhibition space, called in-dependent. It is truly breathtaking the amount of detail and of course the subject mater that captures the personalities of the people and the characteristics of the businesses.
One final note is that this was all produced within a few days from capture to print.
You can view a smaller copy of this pano that is on display at our Miami offices.
For more information regarding this print or other services that Ignacio offers please email him at IG@disctrictlab.com and check out in-dependent.com.
Thank you for the print Ignacio.